One of the most common. Form manipulative
relationships based on self-hate & fear of loss /
abandonment, trying to escape insecurity in
the hope of fixing our inner dissatisfaction.
Use others as objects who will serve this
purpose (fill our needs), not interacting with
them as separate beings with their own needs &
rights & life path. In this kind of pairing we live
in anxiety, constantly on guard to avoid any
hint of our real self, so the other person
won’t catch on that they’re been used, & leave.
The irony is that the manipulator doesn’t think
they’re toxic - will justify ‘conning’ as the
best way to form a connection, & then later
will become emotionally honest. Doesn’t work.
a.Avoid awareness of important toxic aspects
of a relationship which poison us. We excuse
bad behavior & try to read minds (to figure out
why), instead of accepting the obvious.
b.Choose the unavailable - whether it’s a realistic barrier or a mismatch, we often dismiss & ignore clear info that someone is not available to us, to calm our anxiety of not getting our desires. Usually ends in pain or disaster.
c.‘Don’t make waves’ - avoid confronting ongoing toxic patterns in the relationship to prevent being left, or having to end it ourselves
a.Fixing - Try to change things we don’t like in the other, in the guise of wanting to help them to improve themselves - BY cajoling, persuading, criticizing, preaching or making them feel guilty when they want to do things their own way.
b.Questioning - too often ask what’s going on, press for info & explanations: not genuine interest but from our anxiety, fear that not knowing what’s in the other’s head will cause us to lose our connection (need for symbiosis).
Actually intrusive on their integrity; also
prevents the other from initiating the
connection, based on their own need for self-
expression & contact. Over time, the other will
withdraw, verbally, emotionally & sexually
Usually criticize in another what we don’t
accept in ourselves (what we think we ‘should or
should not’ be) ie: how our family treated us &
what they taught us as right & wrong.
We now carry these toxic rules in the form of
the bad inner voice, and as self-hate, coming
from our child part.
a.In ‘helpful’ form - project onto another a
positive trait we deny in ourself (ambition,
creativity) & try to force them to become that,
insisting that they really want it too.
b.In attack form - one upping each other, putting the other down, trying to score the most points - for being something they’re afraid of in themselves (angry, fearful). Relating as antagonists leads to both people losing out in the end.
a.If one partner is afraid of anger & the other
is an explosive type, the fearful one will
compromise their own integrity to avoid an
outburst. The angry one gets to be top dog, but
the victim finds ways to undermine the partner
while seeming to be compliant.
b. Negative social generalizations (cliches: ‘all
men are pigs, all women are bitches’) are used
as attacks to mask one’s own weaknesses. It’s
toxic to criticize another’s sex, politics,
occupation or race.
c.Greediness - having too high expectations or
demanding too much of a partner, instead of
appreciating the nourishment we are getting.
d.Competition - usually involves the needs of one
that the other is not willing or able to meet.
This is totally unacceptable to the other, so
keep trying to get it by battle or other games.
Show a basic lack of respect for the integrity
& needs of others. Even if they’re outwardly
in relationships, internally they’re wholly self-
absorbed, psychologically alone without real
emotional connection to those they seem to
care for. The only way to relate to them is to
do everything their way - it’s a one-way street.
Toxic Loners
Often have status & power of a successful
achiever & seem to ‘just’ have high standards
of performance, but actually have a rigid
attitude about how things have to be done,
causing problems for every one around them.
Can do everything well & use talent to make
others feel inadequate & second-rate.
Intolerant of differences & inefficiency.
Tragedy is that the victims of loners may
truly love & admire them, but the loner can’t
take that in & enjoy it.
a. Insisting that age disqualifies them from
b.Evaluating their chances for intimacy on the basis of sexual attractiveness
c.Form conclusions & then predictions based
on past experience ie. that each past
relationship ‘failure’ lessens their future
chances for happiness or even disallows their
right to keep trying to find it.
1.Being loved is the key to happiness. Burdening someone else with the responsibility of filling our inner emptiness is unhealthy & abusive
2.Waiting for Prince Charming / Princess. The belief that there’s “a perfect one out there
for me who will appear at the right time &
place if it’s meant to be”. When believing
this, we abdicate our responsibility for looking
& choosing. Also it implies - if an important
pairing comes to an end - that’s the end of
love for the rest of our lives! (Can there be
more than one Prince/ Princess?)
3.‘..and they lived happily ever after’. We keep asking why relationships end, without looking
at our own part, & at the toxic patterns.
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists