HEALING THE CHILD WITHIN - C. Whitfield / 1987 - The original. Excellent.
HEALING THE SHAME That Binds You - J. Bradshaw / 2005 - Updated edition
HE & SHE - Cris Evatt / 1992 - **Comparing the two ways of thinking,
being, doing.
INNER CHILD Workbook - C.L.Taylor - 1991 - About the many parts of the I.C.
ABILITY TO LOVE - Dr. Allan Fromme /1965 - Best on the subject
ADDICTIVE PERSONALITY - C. Nakken / 1988 - Understanding Compulsion
ANGER BUSTING Workbook - J.A. Baker & J. Bradshaw / 2005 - Managing anger
to save relationships
BEYOND CO-DEPENDENCE - M. Beattie / 1989 - Recovery of Co-Dep.
BRAIN SEX - A. Moir & D. Jessel /1989 - Difference between men & women,
based on brain chemistry (very readable)
CLAIM YOUR INNER GROWN-UP - A.D. Prend /2001 - How to be a healthy Adult
CO-DEPENDENCE - C.L. Whitfield / 1991 - A new paradigm
CO-DEPENDENT NO MORE - M. Beattie / 1987 - ‘Definitive work on C-D‘
COMPASSION & SELF-HATE - Theodore Rubin -1975 - An alternative to despair
COMPLEX PTSD - Pete Walker -
DRAMA OF THE GIFTED CHILD - A. Miller / 1981 - A must read: how we become
the DANCE of ANGER - H.G. Lerner / 1985 -- Excellent, for anyone dealing with
an alcoholic
ENVY - Helmut Schoeck / 1969 --Feeling powerless, we envy those who can get ....
ESCAPE FROM INTIMACY - A.W. Schaef / 1989 - Re. Love addictions in
various aspects
The FAMILY - J. Bradshaw / 1990 - Dynamics of family systems, based on TV series
FIVE LOVE LANGUAGES - G. Chapman / 1992 - Each type needs something
different to feel loved. (Christian orientation)
JEALOUSY - N. Friday / 1985 - Extensive info on envy & jealousy. Worth it.
LETTING GO LETTING GO WITH LOVE - Julia H. / 1987 - Living peacefully with
an active or recovering addict
LOVE & ADDICTION - Stanton Peele / 1975 - Thorough explanation of the difference
GAMES PEOPLE PLAY - E. Berne / 1964 - Know what’s going on in bad
GENDERSPEAK - S.H. Elgin / 1993 - Verbal self-defense (male vs. female)
GIVERS & TAKERS - C Evatt & B. Feld / 1983 - Over & under-availability,
& their attraction to each other
GIFT TO MYSELF - C. Whitfield / 1990 - ACoA guide & workbook
GRANDCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS - A. Smith / 1988 - 2nd generation
(anyone raised by one or more ACoAs)
GUILT - L. Madow / 1988 -- How to recognize & cope with it
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists