In ‘dis-easy’ families, while
some rules are useful, many
are ☹ too restrictive
☹ crazy-making
☹ not do-able, unfair
☹ changeable, controlling
☹ even cruel & dangerous
to our well-being.
Rules are meant to be obeyed,
& punishment must follow
disobedience - of course!
But what if the rules are BAD?
TOXIC Rules must be
identified & disobeyed in
order to have a better life
toxiC rules in dysfunctional families
All of our lives we have obeyed a set of rules we learned
in our family, even those of us who seemed not to have had
rules at home! For the most part they’ve been running our
lived, often without our awareness or choice.
Some were said outright, but most we absorbed or intuited
from the prevailing atmosphere of that household. Some we
concluded, rightly or not, by the way we were treated.
Children take in everything around them, spoken or
unspoken, indiscriminately. This is natural. Those were the
rules that our parents also lived by - at least in heir head.
One major task is to persistently BREAK
these damaging family rules which have
crippled us for so long, until they no longer
have such power over us. Obeying bad rules
harms us - as well as everyone we interact
This is difficult & scary because we’re
deeply convinced that obeying them will
finally make our family love & accept us!
NOT TRUE. Love cannot be earned or bought.
It is freely given, but only by those who are
already capable of loving. YOU can’t make
that happen. A recovery saying:
“My loving you is none of your business” !
When we begin to break the TOXIC rules:
a)at first we experience ‘backlash’ - various
forms of self- punishment for disobeying the
rules, like getting sick, being depressed,
sinking into self-hate and most obviously -
feeling very GUILTY! Eventually all that
will subside - if we keep at it.
b) we may also be punished by some family
members for not going along with ‘the
program’ - we may get insulted, attacked,
belittled, ridiculed, ignored, shamed, cut
❖ That just proves how unloving &
abandoning they really are!
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists