psychotherapist in private
practice for 23 yrs
in New York City,
specializing in
She works with individuals
& couples/partners,
in person and by phone.
FREE Intro Session.
She has appeared on radio,
television & at New Life Expo,
created & presented ACoA /
AlAnon intensive weekend
workshops & ran an ACoA
therapy group for 6 years.
She was an instructor at the
NY OPEN CENTER for 9 yrs,
presenting her 12-week
interactive lecture course
which is now available in
other locations.
•I can more quickly leave abusive relationships, because I deserve to
be treated with respect.
•I have boundaries with family & friends. I know I can’t rescue them
or be a therapist in relationships.
•I’ve learned the difference between co-dependent need & real companionship.
•I finally see that I can’t get my needs met by my most of my family.
•I used to think the Inner Child was a corny idea, then I learned that I was being run by my traumatic childhood experiences - ie. my Inner Child.
•Now I’m building a Healthy Adult &
Loving Parent, so I can take care of
myself & not rely on others for that.
Alexis, NYC
❧ I was lost for a long time. I had been
in therapy several times, but always
felt something was missing.
I‘d learned to analyze the whys of my
suffering & believed that insight would
‘cure me’. I was baffled that it had not.
I continued to feel worthless.
Just when I had given up hope, I met
Donna. From our 1st session I knew
she could help me. She said there are
physical, spiritual & emotional - not
just mental - components to my pain &
they’re inter-related.
Donna has an uncanny way of explaining
complicated & painful issues in a way I
can both understand and accept. I now
have answers and solutions I thought
were impossible - light bulbs going off!
These are some of the things that have
changed in my life as a result of my work
with Donna:
•I finally understand that being abused,
neglected & abandoned as a kid is not
to be taken lightly.
•I know now that I’m not crazy - what was done to me - was not my fault!
•I’ve learned that my past is not something to just be endured forever OR something to ‘get over’ - but that it needs to be validated & mourned.
•I can more easily express my thoughts & emotions without feeling ashamed or self-hating. ‘Acting out’ is not having my feelings, but a symptom of deep abandonment pain from my early life.
•I’ve learned to recognize who’s safe to share myself with (& who’s not). ➔
Home • SITE MAP • About Me • ACoA Traits • Article • Books • Boundaries • Co-Dependence • Course • Decisions • Definitions • Effective Responses • Emotions • Family Roles • Friends • Healthy Rules • Inner Child • Links • Love • Recovery • Relationships • Toxic Rules • Trust
Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists
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Adult-Children of alcoholics,
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