4 basic Family ROLES for ACoAs
(ACoAs = Adult-Children of alcoholic, abusive, abandoning, narcissistic families)
These ROLES are unhealthy, limiting, false-self personae assigned to &
taken on by each child, in one of several ways:
The eldest boy or eldest girl is usually the Hero, who is aligned with the
non-drinking parent ( if there is one). The next child becomes the
Scapegoat, identified with the drinker. The Lost Child is mostly ignored
(3rd wheel) & the Mascot is last, who keeps things light. If there are
more children, roles double up. ➜
PURPOSE: To keep the family intact, to make
everything look normal, to bring esteem to
the family through their accomplishments,
to prevent the community from seeing their
severe dysfunctionality
DEFENSES: Too serious, work hard for approval,
super responsible, over-achiever, develop
‘better’ lifestyle than family, marry an
alcoholic or other 'problem' type, feels
special/ superior, compulsive @ cleaning,
gathering info, appearance, career...
DEFICITS: Perfectionist, unable to relax or
to follow, can’t listen, unable to play, not
spontaneous, inflexible, won’t ask for help,
high fear of mistakes, unable to play,
extreme need to control
EMOTIONS: “I must stay in control of my
feelings”. Confusion, loneliness, guilt, hurt,
deep sense of inadequacy, anger
COST TO SELF: Denial of a wide range of
emotions, an intense feeling of inadequacy
(fear of being found out as a ‘fraud’), & an
over-all sense of failure (mainly for not
having fixed the family problems).
RECOVERY NEEDS: Learn to ask for & take what
you need, to accept ‘failure’ / imperfections
(occasionally) to relax, just BE
STRENGTHS: Successful, leader, goal oriented,
organized, decisive, self-disciplined, caring
nurturing, thoughtful, attentive
PURPOSE: To draw attention away from
the 'problem' parent, to make the family
problems anything other than the alcoholism,
to protect the family from any outside
interference & prevent change/growth
DEFENSES: Defiance, chemical abuse,
strong peer value, withdrawal, sullenness,
acting out -- unwanted pregnancy / trouble
with the law / suicide attempts, addictions
DEFICITS: Inappropriate use of anger, intrusive
won’t follow directions, self-destructive, rebel,
defiant, irresponsible, underachiever, social
& legal problems at young age
EMOTIONS: “I’m angry about it, whatever it is”.
Loneliness, fear, inadequacy, self-hate,
frustration, hurt, hopelessness
COST TO SELF: Unaware of any emotion other
than rage, denies self legitimate opportunities,
accomplishments & success or the ability to
connect with others in a genuine way,
can't live peacefully
RECOVERY NEEDS: To work through the anger
to get to the enormous hurt, sorrow &
loneliness underneath, learn to negotiate
instead of rebelling or fighting, sobriety
STRENGTHS : Ability to see reality, has good
insight, less denial, more straightforward, can
read people, sense of humor, close to ones
feelings, courageous
PURPOSE: To not cause family any additional
burden, bringing some relief by not making waves
DEFENSES: Quiet, aloof, 'invisible', overweight,
bulimic or anorectic, under-employed, super-
independent, depressed / suicidal, easily feels
rejected. Buried in books, internet, church
DEFICITS: Unable to initiate, withdrawn, lack
of direction, fear of making decisions, ignored,
forgotten, follows without question, hard time
seeing choices / options
EMOTIONS: “Why should I feel? It’s better I
don’t”. Loneliness, rejection, fear, sadness,
suppressed anger, hurt, depression
COST TO SELF: Afraid to express need & wants
including need for personal connections, has
social phobia so stays invisible but feels ignored
& unappreciated, hard to get credit for abilities,
may become suicidal
RECOVERY NEEDS: To reach out, deal with
loneliness, face one's pain, make a few deep
relationships, give up victim position
STRENGTHS : Patient, creative, independent,
scholarly, detail-oriented, flexible, able to
follow, easy going, quiet, understanding
PURPOSE: To lighten the heavy painful
atmosphere of the family by being funny,
silly, a way to cover up the depth of the
family pain & sickness
DEFENSES: Immaturity, clowning, humor,
hyper-activity, being super-cute, making
fun of self, become an actor, do anything
to get attention, act dumb, addictions
DEFICITS: Attention seeker, distracting,
immature, difficulty focusing, poor
decision making ability, superficial
EMOTIONS: “I must take their pain away”.
Loneliness, confusion, insecurity, fear,
sadness, pain
COST TO SELF: Denies all painful emotions
which may later show up as illness, denies
the right to know the true self, to be
competent or to ever be taken seriously
RECOVERY NEEDS: To take responsibility,
risk being serious and to being taken
seriously, learn assertiveness, learn
something in depth, feel all emotions
STRENGTHS : Humor, knows how to play &
enjoy, quick witted & witty, entertaining,
adaptable, brings joy to others, flexible
4 Toxic ROLES
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists