1. Understand that boundaries are
essential for you.
2. Be willing to educate others on how
to respect your boundaries.
3. Be persistent but don’t punish others
if they’ve forgotten your boundary.
Just be persistent.
4. Make a list of 10 things that people
may no longer do around you, do to
you, or say to you.
5. Sit down with each person involved
& share with him/her your process.
Gain their agreement in honoring
your boundary.
6. Insist that every person in your life
deliver their comments in positive
ways. No more digs, make-funs,
depreciating remarks, criticisms - no
matter what the situation may be
7. Create a four-step plan of action
whenever someone violates your Bs
a. Inform them of what they're doing
b. Request they stop immediately
c. Demand that they stop
d. Walk away without sarcasm or
nasty get-even comments
8. Make a list of 10 ways you are
violating other people's Bs
9. Stop violating the Bs on that list
10.Thank anyone who honors your boundaries
• are pre-set guidelines for all areas
of life (when we’re regressed, we
may need someone to help us re-
established them)
• protect our values & our right to
always be treated with dignity and
• protect from letting anyone enter our
lives inappropriately or try getting us
to do anything we don’t want to do
• protect us from our own emotional
instability, in vulnerable situations
• act as a warning sign when we are
about enter places that are dangerous
• prescribe specific consequences when
a boundary is breached
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists