__feel that your only (or major) value in a
relationship is your ability to perform
sexually, or provide an emotional fix for
your partner?
__feel like a lifeless puppet unless there’s
someone around you can flirt with, & that
you’re only really alive when you’re with
your sex &/or love partner?
__feel entitled to have sex?
__find yourself in a relationship that you
can’t seem to leave?
__believe the problems in your love life come
from not having enough or the right kind of
sex, or because of staying with the ‘wrong’
__feel that life would have no meaning
without a love relationship or without sex?
__feel that you’d have no identity if you were
not someone’s lover?
__find yourself flirting or sexualizing with
someone, even if you don’t mean to, or
you’re not really interested in them?
__find your sexual or romantic behavior effect
your reputation?
__find the pain increasing in your
life, no matter what you do?
__you afraid deep down that you’re
truly not acceptable?
__feel that you lack dignity & wholeness?
__have sex &/or relationships to try to deal with
or escape from life’s problems?
__feel uncomfortable about masturbating
because of how often you do it, the fantasies
you have, the props you use &/or the places
you do it in?
__engage in voyeurism, exhibitionism, etc. in
ways that bring you discomfort, pain & shame?
__find yourself needing greater & greater
variety and more energy in your sexual &/or
romantic activities just to achieve an
‘acceptable’ level of physical & emotional
__need to have sex or ‘fall in love’ in order to
feel like a ‘real man / real woman’?
__feel that your sexual & romantic behavior is
about as rewarding as hijacking a revolving
door - are you jaded?
__unable to concentrate on other areas of your
life because of your thoughts & feelings about
another person or about having sex?
__find yourself obsessed with a specific person
or sexual act, even though those thoughts
bring you discomfort, craving & pain?
__feel that your life is unmanageable because of
your sexual &/or romantic behavior, or your
excessive dependency needs?
__have a pattern of repeating inappropriate or
harmful relationships?
__feel that your sexual & /or romantic life
affects your spiritual life negatively?
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists