Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists
taking too many or not enough - addiction to
excitement, physical danger, making constant
changes OR not taking advantage of
opportunities or making appropriate changes
Assumption: it’s inevitable that any risk will
lead to abandonment
DEF : ‘Everything bad that happened to
me as a kid was my fault! ’
Self-hate is a defense mechanism - defending
against the pain of all the original abuse,
abandonment & neglect we experienced as kids.
The child’s assumption is that if I caused it I
should be able to fix it, ie: change myself in
order to stop others from hurting us, by
somehow pleasing or placating them.
Since that didn’t work very well the child
feels like a failure & is hopeless.
BUT we still blame ourselves, even now, & keep
trying to figure out ‘what we did wrong’.
☯ SUCCESS averse
(may be related to 'survival guilt'): sabotage
ourselves when close to success, don't take
advantage of good opportunities, make
unnecessary mistakes AND when near failure -
work even harder, but with little appreciation
or fulfillment
☯ TRUST issues
difficulty sharing emotions & true feelings,
fear of abandonment and intimacy, guarding
secrets, AND not trusting our own judgement,
values, feelings, experience & knowledge
☯ VICTIM-hood
unnecessarily continuing the role of victim -
carried over from childhood. ‘Learned
helplessness’. Don’t believe we can take care
of ourselves AND don’t want to !
about everything, 'awfulize', always expecting /
assuming the worst, convinced that being
abandoned is our only option! - & worry about
passing on bad genetics & abuse (alcoholism,
depression, incest, illness, etc) to our children
‘Laundry List’ of ACoA Characteristics
finding many ways: internally - to torture
oneself, & externally - to be mistreated in
most or all relationships (work, love, friends)
extreme fear of choosing anything incorrectly,
as if it were life & death (leading to pain of
abandonment). Not allowed to consciously
know what we want or prefer, fear of
rejection if we don’t agree with some else’s
demands, expectations, even tastes
endless sorrow, bitterness & complaining
about not having good parents, family,
lost opportunities etc, but not willing to
improve oneself. True mourning takes time
but leads to healing, not continued suffering
is guessed at: poor parental role modeling,
gaps in learning, inadequate social skills, not
knowing basic realities, not reading social
cues, naive, not street smart
depressed, lonely, hopeless, helpless,
inadequate, suicidal, 'why bother' attitude.
Living in extremes - too high or too low
emotionally. Evenness is considered boring
always testing, not trusting our perceptions
& intuition, ‘forgetting’ what we already
know, not learning from experience,
devaluing or negating good things that happen
to us as being accidental or unintended
☯ RELATIONSHIP Difficulties:
repeatedly choose inappropriate, unavailable,
selfish people. Either find it hard to keep
friends, stay with someone, get married, cope
in the workplace, OR never leave them, no
matter what
fantasies underlie most choices: marry an
alcoholic or otherwise 'disabled' person, go
into the helping professions, unable to leave
harmful family, attracted to depressed,
unavailable people we can can 'fix'
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