Donna always knew she wanted to be a therapist but
1st needed to heal from her own damage. Moving to
NYC to go to FIT, she worked as an Asst. Fashion
Designer in Lingerie & then in Daywear.
After many adventures in the Big Apple, she was
eventually led to Al Anon, as a favor to a friend, but
found answers to all her own searching.
One of the many things she learned was that both
grandfathers had been alcoholics, so she was raised
by 2 ACoAs, who themselves had unhealed damage,
which they passed down without realizing it.
She learned the causes of her pain - originally
stemming from all of the mental, physical, spiritual
& emotional childhood stresses she went through,
& then later, from inappropriate choices & negative
self-talk in adulthood.
Healing these 2 layers are her continuing
work & continuing satisfaction.
Donna grew up in Europe, from infancy to age 13,
after WW II, in a missionary family of 4. They
lived in Czechoslovakia, Italy & Norway, with
periodic 1 yr. stays in the US, moving to various
cities in each country.
++ Being exposed to a variety of art, education,
culture, architecture, travel, languages, history...
-- Expected to be perfect, always having to be
‘on’, always the outsider, tortured by classmates,
no stable home, having to perform on demand,
be a little adult, mistreated & misunderstood...
Back in the US her family moved again several
times, to several different states. Here there was
only one language but still, different schools &
social cultures & the same stresses from peers.
The only solace was in reading the classics,
making her own clothes & dreaming.
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Adult-Children of alcoholics & other narcissists